• Hunting

    She’s Hard to Live With

    The Core Sound of North Carolina is a lagoon located between the mainland of Carteret County and Core Banks, and she is as deadly as she is beautiful. One cold December day the Sound reminded local Casey Arthur just how hard her icy grip can be.

  • Hunting

    The Off Button

    The pair had come back. When mallards return to a recently rejected decoy spread, they usually coast right in without circling, but these aren’t mallards. The birds circle again and pull off in almost exactly the same pattern they did when they initially vetoed my presentation. I have a rule that once a duck responds to a call, I need to continue calling or risk losing interest, so I let the déjà vu continue to play out. Two or three false approaches, and they finally break the mold and cut back towards the decoys rather than away.

  • Hunting,  Lifestyle

    Atlantic Brant & The Death of Blackbeard

    It’s the morning of November 22nd, 1718, and the North Carolina Island of Ocracoke will be witness to a battle that will result in the death and beheading of the most famous pirate in history, Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard. The golden age of piracy ended almost 300 years ago, but our fascination with pirates is as strong today as it was during the Golden Age. Blackbeard is, without a doubt, the most well-known pirate, but many myths and legends surround him...

  • Hunting,  Quotes

    Five Quotes About Waterfowling

    The time spent in pursuit of wildfowl gives a hunter a chance to reflect on their passion for the game they pursue and the enjoyment of those moments spent with hunting buddies two- legged and four. The thoughts of the day are jotted down, and when the words are read, they remind us of the days when the birds worked the decoys, and we spent another day pursuing waterfowl. Here are five quotes on waterfowling that will transport you back to a day in the duck blind.