• Food,  Culture

    Southern Desserts: The Real Holiday Playoff

    The holidays are a time for gathering with loved ones, enjoying the company of family and friends, and, of course, indulging in an array of delectable treats. In the South, the holiday season wouldn’t be complete without the presence of mouthwatering desserts that have become a cherished tradition. Let’s combine that with another cherished tradition during this time of the year, playoffs!

  • Culture,  Bookshelf

    North Carolina’s Deadliest Train Crash: 80 Years Later

    December 16, 2023, marks the 80th anniversary of the Rennert railroad accident, a tragic event that occurred in Rennert, North Carolina. This devastating incident, which remains the deadliest train crash in North Carolina’s history, claimed the lives of 74 individuals when the northbound Tamiami Champion collided with the derailed rear three cars of its southbound counterpart.

  • Culture,  Lifestyle

    The Winchester Model 1873: 150 Years Later

    In the pivotal year of 1873, history witnessed the birth of an icon that would forever change the landscape of American firearms. The Winchester Model 1873, dubbed “The Gun That Won the West,” emerged as a revolution in design, function, and cultural impact. As we celebrate its 150th anniversary, we delve into the extraordinary story of…