• Hunting

    Questionable Medical Advice

    There are certain times in your life when you look back and recognize the exact origin of your current misery; the poorly made decisions that eventually flourished. The chickens came home to roost… or in my case: turkeys. We were camping along one of the many tributaries of the Columbia River, hoping for salmon but settling…

  • Hunting

    Sheep Hunt for a Flatlander

    There in the scope of my .30/06 were the two rams we had seen two days and two mountains back: both past prime breeding age and fine trophies. As I lay there on the side of a grassy mound, I hesitated. Not only for the purpose of taking a careful shot. Many other thoughts raced through my…

  • Hunting

    Afghanistan Duck Decoys

    I deployed to Afghanistan in December of 2001 and was operating out of Bagram Airbase. Bagram was a former Soviet airbase and the scene of intense fighting as the Taliban retreated under pressure from the Northern Alliance with the help of United States Special Forces.

  • Hunting

    A Western Hunt

    There is no better representative of the American West to me than the Pronghorn Antelope. Its the first animal that comes to my mind when I think of the Western states. The journey to hunt Pronghorn began in 2010 when my professor my professional mentor, colleague, friend and father figure Grady Stilley and I were discussing hunting when the…

  • Art,  Food,  Spirits,  Hunting

    Baobab Lounge: Savannah, Georgia

    Traveling to Africa is a dream of mine, but until I can make the trip, there’s a place in Georgia that can scratch that itch for at least a little while. That place is Baobab Lounge. It is tucked away in the JW Marriott, Plant Riverside District in Savannah. Baobab pays homage to the continent of…

  • Hunting

    The Southerner’s Guide to Safari: Planning!

    If you ask most Southern sportsmen and women if they would like to hunt Africa, they will tell you yes, but that they also feel a bit overwhelmed at the idea of it all, but with a little planning and preparation your Safari Dreams can be a reality! Here are five tips to help you with the…

  • Hunting

    Hemingway’s Secret African Passion..Wingshooting

    “Bwana! Bwana! Ganga Namaqua!” The swift flying birds were dive bombing the small watering hole. Ernest, who was lazily sitting against a large boulder, was busy watching giraffes slowly move through acacia trees, along with a herd of nearby grazing zebras. He had been waiting for the…

  • Hunting

    Grant’s Gazelle in Tanzania

    “Clean miss”! I heard the words almost instantly after I squeezed the trigger on what I would later learn was an excellent Grant’s gazelle. “The bullet went right over his back,” my Professional Hunter JP Van Wyngaard yelled as we rushed to catch up with the ram that was now moving quickly away from us. I shook…

  • Hunting

    South African Adventure: Pt.3

    It's now Saturday, May 28th. With one successful hunt now under our belt, our energy was renewed to continue our buff hunt. Even better, a new group of daggas has been detected having moved into the area. As we track them, we see that they are looking for water but hitting the pools that have now dried…