“I’ll Have A Double!” – South Carolina Lowcountry
By Robbie Perdue
Visitors to the SC Lowcountry this weekend had the opportunity to participate in the Original Gullah Festival in Beaufort, SC. Festival goers were able to experience storytelling, dancing, the sounds of jazz, blues, reggae and African drums while the Vendor Market was filled with Arts and Crafts and the Food Court offered local cuisine and traditional Gullah favorites.
While in Beaufort don’t miss out on some great cocktails. Stop by Lost Local and try a John Daly. This aptly named drink starts out as a simple Arnold Palmer, a mix of sweet tea and lemonade, but adds Firefly Lowcountry Sweet Tea Vodka. Firefly distillery in North Charleston makes a variety of interesting spirits (banana pudding liqueur!) but their sweet tea vodka is the foundation of the business. If you’re in Beaufort, cool off with a John Daley at Lost Local.

Just around the corner you’ll find an authentic Italian restaurant, Miramare Italiano. Featuring the freshest ingredients from local farms and wonderful table service, you can also find a creative bar menu. I suggest the Miramare Italiano, made with bourbon and peach schnapps then finished with honey and fresh orange juice.
Bonus: We usually feature two cocktails in these articles but I just have to mention Chow Daddy’s and their Sangria. Sip one of these next month while reading our next book review, it fits the theme!

Robbie Perdue
is a native North Carolinian who enjoys cooking, butchery, and is passionate about all things BBQ. He straddles two worlds as an IT professional and a farmer who loves heritage livestock and heirloom vegetables. His perfect day would be hunting deer, dove, or ducks then babysitting his smoker while watching the sunset over the blackwater of Lake Waccamaw.

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