Arizona Dry Ground Mountain Lion Hunt
The hunting expedition occurred in 2013, and the narrative was formerly featured in the Outdoorsman’s Resource Guide.
By Charles Reedy
I recently was able to hunt with Logan Anderson of Seven Anchor Outfitters, in the area of Kirkland, AZ. This part of the country and this type of hunting were both a new experience for me. I have always wanted to be able to hunt Mountain Lion, but was never able to afford to go on a traditional snow based hunt up north in states like Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, or Idaho. Recently, I was setting up a business trip to Arizona, and I just started researching types of hunts that I could possibly take while there. That is when I discovered there was dry ground lion hunting in Arizona. I started doing some more research, and found Seven Anchor Outfitters. I called Logan and we discussed possible options. I was limited to 3 days, but he worked with me and we eventually worked out a deal to make this hunt happen! I arrived and hunted in late March 2013. Logan is a great guy, and he went out of his way to make sure that I was comfortable, safe, and had everything that I needed while on this hunt. His horses and mules were very easy going and gentle, which was a huge plus for me because I have never been on horseback or muleback before!

As far as the hunting goes, it was a totally different experience for me than any other hunting I have ever done. Riding on horseback through some rough but beautiful country was both rewarding and challenging for a newbie, but well worth it! We set out at a trailhead on day one at daylight with the dogs, and trailed a lion all day the first day, but were unable to get on it. I was amazed at the surefootedness of the mule and horse over rocks and rough, uneven terrain. We saw some amazing country, and it was neat to see the dogs work also! I found out that many things in this part of Arizona will stick you, including many different kinds of cactus and a few scrub type trees and plants. Day two we set out again at daylight, and got on a few tracks, but were unsuccessful in finding a lion. The third day we were able to find a recent cow elk kill, so we went there and put the dogs on it and started tracking. It was really cool to see the dogs at work on this trail and very exciting following them on horseback.

We trailed up and down quite a few different rock based canyons, some were very steep. We got to about the 5th canyon at about 10 am, and the dogs were circling around trying to get on the track. At that point Logan says, “I bet the lion went off the side here to double back on us.” We sat there a few more minutes, and one of the dogs had went down the rock face and barked, which must have been an alarm bark because all the other dogs immediately went down also. This canyon went steeply downhill, we listened for a few minutes and Logan said, “get your gun, it sounds like they might have it treed.” I immediately got an adrenaline rush and my heart was beating at a high rate of speed. We went down about 50 ft, and Logan peeked over the edge of the rock face, and in the one tree that we could see, there was the lion! At that point I had to take a deep breath to calm myself down from all the excitement. It was now 11 am, we moved into position, and the lion had it’s back to us, and he was some 15-20 ft below us at a slight downhill angle.

We got steady and waited for the lion to turn slightly, so I could get a good ethical shot at his vitals. Once he turned, I was ready, Logan said shoot, so I got one off with the lever action 30-30, right behind the shoulder! The cat was obviously hit good and kind of stumbled in the tree trying to get his footing. I was able to get another one in him, and then he was done and fell from the tree. Logan said, “congratulations, you got a lion!” I was overwhelmed and extremely excited at that point, and had to stop to catch my breath before proceeding down the canyon to retrieve the lion.

Once we got to the lion, it was amazing. The lion was bigger that we thought which was icing on the cake for me. I was just happy to get on a lion and to be able to harvest one. We got some great photos and were amazed at the size of the lion’s paws and head. We then got him out of the canyon, and put on horseback and headed back to the truck. What a day and experience, from the ride through beautiful country and some amazing views, to the dogs doing a great job, to the harvest of this amazing lion.

I would highly recommend Logan Anderson and Seven Anchor Outfitters for a Dry Ground Lion hunt. Logan is professional, but at the same time a great down to earth guy who treats you like family. He, his dogs, and horses know what they are doing. Thanks to Logan to helping me achieve this hunting dream!

Charles Reedy
is an outdoorsman and lifelong hunter. While birds, rabbits, and whitetails were his first love, hunting in Africa has stolen his heart. He is from the lowcountry of SC but now calls NC home. He loves spending time with family and friends, and is always up for talking about hunting, history, and traveling. John 14:6

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