From the Editor’s Desk
Dear Reader,
Welcome! If you are a seasoned reader of our magazine or if the dream or love of Africa has brought you here to our spot on the web, on behalf of everyone at Feathers & Whiskey and those who have contributed their written works, allow me to say thank you for the support! We hope that you will enjoy your stay!
It is the end of June as I sit in my office and write this letter, and as I type on the keys I feel the excitement building for July, for I know the month will be all about Africa! I could spend hours discussing how much I love the continent, its people, and its wildlife and how excited I am to devote a month to articles that share the magic that is the Dark Continent’s beauty and adventure, but I won’t. On the other hand, I will offer insight into why we started Africa month and what you can expect in the upcoming articles!
During one of our daily planning meetings, we looked over the yearly calendar planning out the posts for 2022. As I discussed something related to Safari, Robbie remarked that July should be about Africa. I admit, at first I was hesitant, but in a second, that feeling of hesitation left me, and as he explained his reasoning, I remember yelling out, “YES!”
As we talked, Robbie argued that if a particular network could devote a week to predatory fish, then Feathers & Whiskey could have a month dedicated to one of our favorite topics! It was always my plan from the start that the magazine would contain sporting adventures from beyond the Mason Dixon Line, that the Southern sport has dreams of hunting beyond the quail woods and dove fields of home, that visions of stalking Cape Buffalo in the long grass might invade his or her thoughts as they sat silently in an autumn deer stand waiting on a shooter buck.

The word “Safari” translates to journey, and what a journey we have for you. You will read the diary entries of a hunter in Zambia’s Luangwa Valley as he pursues a Nile crocodile. You will experience the thrill of fishing the waters of the mighty Zambezi River for the sharp-toothed tiger fish, and the pang of disappointment when the opportunity at a big Grant’s gazelle is missed when the hunter rushes his shot in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro. You will learn about Hemingway’s secret African passion and join a huntress as she stalks Cape buffalo in South Africa. You will wash the Safari dust from your throat with two Tanzania inspired cocktails that you can make at home. And, if the desire to see Africa is overwhelming you once you near the end of the month, we shine the spotlight on an African themed lounge in Georgia that will be a good substitute until your boots are filled with the sands of Africa.
We hope that this month of articles will inspire you to finally book that hunt, or if you are counting down the days until your next Safari, we hope that this reading helps the time go by faster!
Please feel free to drop us a line and let us know your thoughts on Africa month.
Asante sana! (Thank you very much, Swahili)

Michael Maynor
Co-Founder + Editor-in-Chief
Michael Maynor
I am a proud native of North Carolina with a deep love for the sporting lifestyle and everything Southern. My book collection seems to grow endlessly, and I have a particular fondness for collecting vintage duck decoys. Despite appearing content, my heart longs to return to Africa for another safari adventure. John 3:16

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